“If they believe it’s too difficult they might as well get rid of summer chem or something.
Section 2: Free Response (33 of score) 3 questions in 1 hour. The 2024 Microeconomics exam will be a total of 2 hours and 10 minutes and the format will be: Section 1: Multiple Choice (66 of score) 60 questions in 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Macro is very theoretical and more memorization based which some people do enjoy more. Micro is much more math-orientated than macro and most people enjoy learning micro more than macro from my experiences. “It’s not like AP Macro/Micro is difficult or causing lots of stress compared to other courses,” Chen said. This year, all AP exams will cover all units and essay types. There is no definitive easier one, both of them are fairly simple and easy to do well in if you put in the work. Nevertheless, other students believe the class shouldn’t have been restricted to juniors and seniors because it is less competitive than other courses at Jefferson.

“if sophomores were allowed to take it then it might have problems with the class space,” Freshman Andrew Chen said. However, some students are concerned the class is not good for sophomores because of limited space that would prevent juniors and seniors from taking it. “So I wanted to take it because I’m interested in Econ and was considering a business/marketing degree in college and wanted to see if I liked it,” Freshman Ashley Chen said. Sophomores are no longer allowed to take AP Macroeconomics/Microeconomics.įreshmen who are interested in economics are have expressed concern about the recent change.